Plek machines provide an invaluable set of tools for professional guitar makers. If you are a guitar manufacturer producing upwards of 400 instruments per month you ought to start by taking a look at the Plek Pro. If you are an individual luthier or a small manufacturer, it is probably best to check out the PLEK STATION.
Read morePlek is many things to many different people. We like to think of it as a question – What makes for the best possible playability in a guitar? – which we have turned into a machine.
It is also way of looking at the fingerboard, the frets, the strings, of your instruments. It is the application of decades of research and experience, and dialogue with master guitar builders.
It is a philosophy, an idea of quality and playability, as well as a technology.
For more information on Plek machines, the Plek system, and Plek technology, take a look at the links below. Whether your focus is on guitar production, quality control and research [making], or on repair and maximum flexibility [repairing] or whether you are a musician looking to get the best out of your instrument [playing], you are in the right place.
Guitar repair requires a machine that can deal with any type of instrument and which offers maximum flexibility. Check out the standard and optional features of the PLEK STATION, which is used by reputed repair shops throughout the world. The Plek Station can also be used for research and development, or quality control.
Read moreIf you are a musician looking to get the best from your instrument, then check out the advantages that a Plek job can bring. View our video explainers to see what other people think about the Plek process. Then take a look at our list of repair shops to find your nearest Plek-equipped guitar expert!
Read moreMore on the Plek experience
The Plek System
Plek is more than just a machine, it is an entire process environment that helps you to achieve optimum playability for your instruments. Take a look at our Plek System feature for some insight into how the Plek world fits together.
Plek technology simply

Visit us on Instagram at @getplekd
Plek owners – both builders and repairers – are rightly proud of the work they do with their machines. Here is a selection of Plek-related Instagram pictures.
A lovely Music Man Axis starting its Stainless Steel Refret journey today. First step is to scan it in the PLEK to see what the neck looks like. #stainlesssteelfrets #guitarrepairs #getplekd #luthiersofinstagram #refret #refretting #luthierlife #guitarrepairshop #jescarfrets
Feb 5

A lovely Music Man Axis starting its Stainless Steel Refret journey today. First step is to scan it in the PLEK to see what the neck looks like. #stainlesssteelfrets #guitarrepairs #getplekd #luthiersofinstagram #refret #refretting #luthierlife #guitarrepairshop #jescarfrets
I guess it’s official that we’ve moved! Great first day in the new shop space. Even a beautiful sunset to end the day. 🙂 #guitarrepair #knoxville #madeintennessee #getplekd theloothgroup
Feb 4

I guess it’s official that we’ve moved! Great first day in the new shop space. Even a beautiful sunset to end the day. 🙂 #guitarrepair #knoxville #madeintennessee #getplekd theloothgroup
Here’s a few before and after shots of a Fender Custom Shop Strat I’m just wrapping up after a board reradius and Stainless Steel refret. #stainlesssteelfrets #luthierlife #getplekd #guitarrepairs #guitarrepairshop #guitarrepair #refretting #fender #jescarfrets #refret #fenderguitars #fractalfretpress #rosewood #luthiersofinstagram #fenderstratocaster
Feb 4

Here’s a few before and after shots of a Fender Custom Shop Strat I’m just wrapping up after a board reradius and Stainless Steel refret. #stainlesssteelfrets #luthierlife #getplekd #guitarrepairs #guitarrepairshop #guitarrepair #refretting #fender #jescarfrets #refret #fenderguitars #fractalfretpress #rosewood #luthiersofinstagram #fenderstratocaster
I dreamed up this “quad bench” and everyone said it wouldn’t work. I built it anyway. 😁 4 right-handed benches in a 8x8 footprint. #guitarrepairtools #guitarrepair #knoxville #tennessee #getplekd #guitar
Feb 3

I dreamed up this “quad bench” and everyone said it wouldn’t work. I built it anyway. 😁 4 right-handed benches in a 8x8 footprint. #guitarrepairtools #guitarrepair #knoxville #tennessee #getplekd #guitar
Compound radius Stainless Steel refret with a board refinish. Frets will be cleaned before dressing once the lacquer cures. Once it’s had a ride in the PLEK, it will get polished up and be slick, slick, slick. #jescarfrets #stainlesssteelfrets #luthierlife #guitarrepair #guitarrepairs #guitarrepairshop #nitrocelluloselacquer #getplekd #refretting #refret #fender #fenderguitars #jedwardsguitars #telecasters #fractalfretpress
Feb 2

Compound radius Stainless Steel refret with a board refinish. Frets will be cleaned before dressing once the lacquer cures. Once it’s had a ride in the PLEK, it will get polished up and be slick, slick, slick. #jescarfrets #stainlesssteelfrets #luthierlife #guitarrepair #guitarrepairs #guitarrepairshop #nitrocelluloselacquer #getplekd #refretting #refret #fender #fenderguitars #jedwardsguitars #telecasters #fractalfretpress
Best of Guitars pick Namm 2025 #pjdguitars #stilblu #gardaguitars #bacciguitars #novoguitars #getplekd
Jan 26

Best of Guitars pick Namm 2025 #pjdguitars #stilblu #gardaguitars #bacciguitars #novoguitars #getplekd
Come by our booth 4307 hall D to check out our new PlekScanner. Bring your guitar or bass.
#getplekd at Namm 2025
Jan 24

Come by our booth 4307 hall D to check out our new PlekScanner. Bring your guitar or bass.
#getplekd at Namm 2025
Leif är på plats i Anaheim och hjälper lundgrenguitarpickups som ställer ut på NAMM 2025. Verkstaden är öppet som vanligt och du beställer enkelt Plek eller ombandning via vår hemsida.
#namm2025 #getplekd #guitarpickups #gitarrverkstad
Jan 23

Leif är på plats i Anaheim och hjälper lundgrenguitarpickups som ställer ut på NAMM 2025. Verkstaden är öppet som vanligt och du beställer enkelt Plek eller ombandning via vår hemsida.
#namm2025 #getplekd #guitarpickups #gitarrverkstad
Sick and tired of being snowed in and bored? We`ve got some entertainment for you! Aaron wrote up a detailed blog on how we do neck resets, which is a job we do regularly (and dare we say it, better than most anywhere else). Check it out! Link in bio.
#guitarrepair #luthier #getplekd #neworleans
Jan 23

Sick and tired of being snowed in and bored? We`ve got some entertainment for you! Aaron wrote up a detailed blog on how we do neck resets, which is a job we do regularly (and dare we say it, better than most anywhere else). Check it out! Link in bio.
#guitarrepair #luthier #getplekd #neworleans
Setting up our Namm 2025 booth. With our trusty PlekStation and the all new PlekS…..r. Excited to show you all the next generation of Plektech. #getplekd
#nammshow #lasermeasuringdevice
Jan 22

Setting up our Namm 2025 booth. With our trusty PlekStation and the all new PlekS…..r. Excited to show you all the next generation of Plektech. #getplekd
#nammshow #lasermeasuringdevice
#refret, #bonenut , #fretboardleveling , #getplekd Diese wunderschöne #fenderjaguar von #1965 bekam das volle #freshup Programm 😁👍 Ein Instrument mit ganz viel #mojo das sich jetzt auch wunderbar spielen lässt. Herzlichen Dank sachofender ✌️#gitarrenwerk #guitarrepairshop #vintageguitars #fretdress #jescarfrets #nickelsilver #guitarbro #oldfriends
Jan 22

#refret, #bonenut , #fretboardleveling , #getplekd Diese wunderschöne #fenderjaguar von #1965 bekam das volle #freshup Programm 😁👍 Ein Instrument mit ganz viel #mojo das sich jetzt auch wunderbar spielen lässt. Herzlichen Dank sachofender ✌️#gitarrenwerk #guitarrepairshop #vintageguitars #fretdress #jescarfrets #nickelsilver #guitarbro #oldfriends
ivohaurimusic 🤘✌️ Wir durften schon einige seiner Gitarren ein #getplekd und #setup verabreichen! Herzlichen Dank Ivo! #letthegoodtimesroll #gitarrenwerk #fretleveling #guitarrepairshop #guitarrepairs #fundude #guitarplayer
Jan 21

ivohaurimusic 🤘✌️ Wir durften schon einige seiner Gitarren ein #getplekd und #setup verabreichen! Herzlichen Dank Ivo! #letthegoodtimesroll #gitarrenwerk #fretleveling #guitarrepairshop #guitarrepairs #fundude #guitarplayer
Shop buildout update, January 19th 2025.
Move in Feb 1st! 😎 #knoxville #guitarrepair #tennessee #getplekd #guitar #parrisguitars theloothgroup
Jan 19

Shop buildout update, January 19th 2025.
Move in Feb 1st! 😎 #knoxville #guitarrepair #tennessee #getplekd #guitar #parrisguitars theloothgroup
La dernière sortie de l’atelier.
Modèle O 3S
Table en peuplier figuré avec injection de résine.
Corps en peuplier. Manche érable torréfié ondé. Touche palissandre indien. Incrustation custom en nacre. Micros Hepcat. Frettes Jescar inox.
Vendue .
😘 #electricguitar #guitareelectrique #whatsonyourbench #luthier #luthierlife #handmadeguitar #handmadeinfrance #mof #getplekd
Jan 18

La dernière sortie de l’atelier.
Modèle O 3S
Table en peuplier figuré avec injection de résine.
Corps en peuplier. Manche érable torréfié ondé. Touche palissandre indien. Incrustation custom en nacre. Micros Hepcat. Frettes Jescar inox.
Vendue .
😘 #electricguitar #guitareelectrique #whatsonyourbench #luthier #luthierlife #handmadeguitar #handmadeinfrance #mof #getplekd