The Plek Pro provides you with a wide range of advantages in a production scenario. These can be briefly summarized as follows:
Maximum Automation
From automated fret dressing and crowning, to automated nutslot and surface cutting, plus a host of additional functions such as fingerboard planing and saddle cutting, the Plek Pro can deliver significantly enhanced processing times per guitar in a production environment.
One-Click Operation
software templates and automated virtual fret dress adjustment makes it
possible to standardize the processing required for individual guitar
models. Actions and tolerances can be pre-programmed to minimize
operator intervention and effectively achieve one-click operation.
Mulitfunctional Scan Options
various options available during scanning can provide a wide range of
data on which to act, including data on fingerboard quality, trussrod
adjustment and neck relief, and fret seating and placement. The virtual
fret dress enables precise simulation of all intended fretdress and
boardplaning actions prior to implementation.
Quality Control
The Plek Pro provides quality control functionality at key stages within the process. In addition, built-in safety parameters help to ensure consistent quality and optimal results. Processing of each guitar is recorded in an individual guitar file, creating a complete record of all actions taken. Additional information can be provided by the Plek Machine Protocol Database, which gives an at-a-glance overview of your production quality, machine performance, volumes and cycle times. Remote File Viewing capability can also provide instant access to scan visuals of individual instruments from any machine location. This is particularly useful not only in final assembly but also in a multi-machine or multi-facility production scenario, as well as for quality control of OEM production facilities.